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Captura de Tela 2022-04-13 às 14.46.47.png

Ese formulário es valido solamente para OPERADORES, Reguladores e invitados especiales. Conecta puede rechazar su registro en caso de datos invalidos
*Sujeto a aprobación
This form is just valid for operators, regulators and special guests. Conecta LATAM reserves the right to
refuse your registration.
*Subject to Approval

Ese formulário es valido solamente para OPERADORES y Reguladores. Conecta puede rechazar su registro en caso de datos inválidos

This form is just valid for operators. Conecta LATAM reserves the right to refuse your registration.

By registering for this event, you agree to share your registration information with the Sponsors and give them the option to contact you. Please check the checkbox to finalise your registration. I agree that by registering for CONECTA LATAM my information will be shared with the Sponsor(s) and give them the option to contact me.

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